Men, it's here. After months and months (and more months) of tie-in promotions, trailers and speculation, the live-action Barbie is finally here… and, apparently, it's not terrible?
Upon its release, Greta Gerwin’s post-feminist, soul-searching meta film is sitting at a rock solid 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. Maybe it's not the commercialized summer trash you were expecting? Early reviews indicate it's a fun ride that delivers a strong message with comedy (and a pink Corvette) as its vehicle, taking on patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and male fragility in the process. With a PG-13 rating, it's suitable for kids, too.
Related: Ryan Coogler Put 'Wakanda Forever' in the Hands of Black Women—And It Paid Off
But here's the real question: Should you pay actual money, not play-toy money, to see this film (which includes performances by Issa Rae, Alexandra Shipp, and Will Ferrell)? We figure you may be as stumped about the answer to this question as we were. So we went into the garage, grabbed the largest writing surface we could find (a big-ass cardboard box) and went to work to try to uncomplicate things.
Related: 9 Toy Story Characters Most Likely to Get a Spinoff Film, Ranked
Are you a Ken? Find out for yourself with help from the flowchart below. You're welcome.