Oklahoma Voters Reject White Supremacy
Judd Blevins ran for City Council in Enid, Oklahoma. Problem is he participated in a rally gathering Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.
Judd Blevins ran for City Council in Enid, Oklahoma. Problem is he participated in a rally gathering Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.
History and present experiences say this isn’t true.
Dude, get a grip
They will tell you that the KKK has all but disappeared. But all that's changed is the dress code.
I don't fault my parents for instilling this ideology in me and my brother. But I won't be passing it down
Tommy Tuberville refuses to acknowledge what everybody else already knows
An MDMA experiment’s unexpected result is making us rethink the way racist brains are wired
It'd be a perfect opportunity to get real about the atrocities that have shaped America
The DeSantis administration continues its attempts to bury U.S. history
Thousands violently stormed the Capitol all because they believed a big, stupid lie
Yes, the Dallas Cowboys owner’s racism is hard to deny, but the infamous picture taken at a 1957 desegregation protest nods to an even more terrifying reality
He said he believes white people are the “superior race”
A deluge of vitriol has filled the platform since the free speech advocate acquired it
Movies like ‘Emancipation’ and ‘Till’ are important for keeping America honest, but entertainment that depicts our struggle is tiring
The music mogul's bipolar disorder isn't responsible for his spewing of white supremacist messages that are a danger to us all
A Florida public official wore a KKK suit to get a laugh. It wasn't funny.
Sin City is living up to its name
Uncle Ben did not die for this shit
A White man’s bad day is…
This is how injustice rots everyone to the core
Tacoma was where I learned to be Black in the…